Greg - Reality checks are always good especially for readers looking for that magic fish to grow huge bass. I too would caution about adding fish ANY species of fish before knowing the whole story. IMO some speices of fish are not good at all in certain stocking combinations. Again, I was not saying the LCS was a magic bullet for producing a great bass fishery. I was basically expressing the opinions of a few respected fishery scientists as to their experiences with LCS. Readers must also note the referenced studies were conducted in a northern winter ice state and not a winter ice free state which may have a bearing on the conclusions and results. Presence of other foragfe fish will also have a bearing on results.

Greg, I'm not saying your conclusions are incorrect or flawed. I suppose there are situations where addition or even presence of LCS does not noticably help a fishery especially where those fisheries are balanced and functioning optimally. But I am just as confident that use of LCS will help some fisheries. As I always say - "It all depends".

Last edited by Bill Cody; 06/13/09 09:20 AM.

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