I feed them Kroger value hot dogs, only .88cents a package! Last night there were about 5 bass, two large ones. The bluegill beach themselves to get them. You never see a gizzard shad though. I found new uses for the lake like feeding the fish, creating a buffer zone (it worked so well to hold in the sand!)and gardening in the water,(none of the water plants survived over the winter) once the lake went bad. Now I love these fish and we have to kill them, this is so disturbing to me. I will switch to the proper food once we do our fish kill and get new fish. Our board Pres. has it in his head that we should have a bass only fishery and I will need your help in the future to explain you can have bass & bluegill, you just have to manage the fishery. I want to grow some big bluegill, not just these stunted types. When the bad treatment guys killed all vegetation from nuking us with copper sulfate the minnows went away, but I am seeing large numbers of them back now.
The Boys of Summer will be out here next Thrus., heading out early to meet up before we go to the MLSA conference to give us the T-Shirts. GF LakeChair and I will wear them there and maybe go up to the booth of the bad guys with our photo board and show them what they did to our lake, depends on how much nerve we have. Last year we met a guy in the bar, then after we got him lit up, finally fessed up that he used to be a high up guy for the bad treatment company, and told us he left them because of "moral & ethical differences". I did get the boys a picnic table at our access site, wonder if they play cards?
I wrote the newsletter article about the fish kill and listed everyone's name from Pond Boss who helped me, and the Editor (she despises me) took all the names out, really makes me mad, and they put, "will restock with bass."
Fav guy B.O.S. is working on trying to get approval for a new product to try on our lake. They have gotten products approved in the state that weren't allowed or approved in the past. It is WHO they are that makes them so hot, really top notch, and willing to go through lots of crap for us.

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.