Originally Posted By: P. Buckley
When I first read this post I thought that Cecil was just showing off his vocabulary, terrestrial? Of course they are, I have never seen one flying. Avian Crawdadus Major. Where does E.T. come into this conversation also?
But luckily I did some research before I put my foot in my mouth.
Four hundred different types of North American crawdads! Some even considered endangered. You learn something everyday.

P.B. I tried to impress someone with my vocabulary once and I got laughed at. I heard Ted Koppel on his Nightly News program say, "I really can't say with any specificity." Wow that sounded really impressive so I memorized it! A few weeks later the wife and I were at parent teacher conferences for my nephew who we were taking care of at the time. I wanted to sound really smart so when one of the teachers asked me a question about my nephew and I didn't know the answer I said, " I really can't say with any specificity." The wife then said, "Cecil heard that on Ted Koppel's nightly news and he's trying to impress you! Needless to say it got some laughs and the wife got a dirty look. I was soooo embarassed!

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.