Originally Posted By: 2catmom
I had a nightmare last night! In this dream GF and I had someone out here measuring the lake with a tape measure cause our Boys of Summer couldn't do our lake anymore - In this dream I got my T-Shirt with their name on it in the mail, and when I tried it on it was like a dress, black and gold, how weird. I woke up in a cold sweat!

This is a good omen! The T-Shirt turned into a swim suit coverup and is a sure sign that your lakes will be happy and healthy soon. I took some pictures of the "Shack" and some new ones of the pond. I'll try to get them uploaded in a bit.

The Volunteer Fire Department came by yesterday. OH MY. They were a mismatched bunch. The group included one very nice simple older couple, a 20ish gargantuan corn fed hillbilly looking kid who kept snorting snot, burping and spitting and a younger skinny kid who looked, talked and acted like he needs ADD meds. The burping and spitting got so bad I was sure that neanderthal was going to rip off a fart at any minute.

All in all, they actually talked like they had good training and used lots of technical terms which put me more at ease. They are also going to burn the understory of 3 acres of pines as well as a large break of vines that we can't get through with the Bobcat. They are going to burn what remains of the grass in the pond basin too so that we can get a better idea of the terrain and what we are up against.

New pics coming in the next post.

 Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
 Originally Posted By: Anna
Thanks everyone for the extremely warm welcome! I've stopped drinking heavily and have put away the guns and dynamite for now. Can't wait to see what Bob comes up with.

WOW. No need for such drastic action. Who recommend THAT???

If us forum members can't drink, bear arms and have dynamite then I'm telling you right now I quit!

And I'm quite sure TomG and Sunil will be right behind me.

What's next, ban Diet Mountain Dew?

I just put them away for now although the wine in the cabinet keeps calling to me. I may have to break down and drink it to get it to be quiet.

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?