By the way, here in West Virginia, a good mobile home, like you describe, is known as a "Metal Mansion." We own one on seven acres, which is a few miles from our house/pond. We use as our "guest house" for friends and relatives. Our city friends love to tell tales of staying in our "mansion" for a weekend. (My college-professor brother-in-law, who has no problem mingling with crowds and wandering the streets of New York, Beijing, or New Delhi -- is afraid to sit on the Mansion's porch, in fear that a chipmunk, possum, or bear might attack!)

Keep us informed.


LOL! That is funny! At first I considered the MM for use as a goat hutch but it is in such bad shape that they would probably demand improvements before using it for shelter. I can see it now, 130 lb Boer Goats picketing for better living conditions!

I called the local volunteer fire department and offered it to them as a training exercise. These guys came unglued! They are so excited to come and burn it down and when they found out about the pond they started talking about drafting water exercises they could practice too! These fellows obviously don't get much action and are beside themselves with glee to get to set something on fire and then practice putting it out. I will definitely take pics. A few years ago half of the department got arrested for arson. Seems they were setting fires so they would have something to do. A couple of them are still in the hoosegow.

BTW, our local extension office offers a "Pond Management" class. Do you think it is worth the time? Anyone attend one of these?

Catmom, I dreamed that I was in an inflatable rubber canoe in the middle of the pond and the dam broke. I ended up in a tall tree and had to parachute down. Why was I wearing a parachute in a canoe??? Gotta lay off that Cajun food before bed or maybe cut back to just one or two glasses of wine and not the whole bottle!

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?