My husband and I just purchased 20 acres with an approx. 1 1/2 acre spring fed pond. We were told the pond had a "leak", which being novices did not alarm us. Well, after reading this forum I think we are in serious trouble. Our dam is completely overgrown with both large and small trees. The backside is no longer symmetrical in appearance and there is an area that definitely looks as though a minor landslide has occurred. Just below that area is a large DEAD pine that must be part of the problem. Immediately below this dead tree there is standing water that is running off.

The dam is on the east side of the pond and extends around the northern and southern corners. The western shore is a natural depression. The water level is 15 - 20 feet from the shoreline. After heavy rains two weeks ago it rose about 2 feet but since has returned to the previous level.

I am about to post pictures. Anywhere you see tall sawgrass is where water should be!

It will be extremely difficult/expensive to repair as the backside of the dam is heavily wooded and it would require clearing the land just to get equipment into the area. Also the backside of the dam is nearly a vertical drop off, so doing work by hand would be dangerous.

I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Here is a link to the photos. My Pond Album

Please excuse the litter in the photos. The land and pond had been neglected for some time prior to us purchasing it two weeks ago.

Last edited by Anna; 04/13/09 05:10 PM.

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?