Mosquitofish Link

The above link will give you a rough idea what they are. They are a surface hugging fish you will see in the extreme shallows of your pond often near vegetation. They are livebearers much like a guppy. The female reaches a maximum length of maybe a bit over 2" and the male may reach a hair over an inch. They of all species of forage fish seem to hold their numbers under heavy predation. I think they make great forage for small juvenile predators.

In the picture, you'll notice all the ones I said were mosquitofish are on the surface of the bag making sense since mosquitofish are surface huggers. You'll also notice they are a greenish color, also a common attribute of mosquitofish when looking down on them from above when they are in the water. You will also see two yellowish colored ovals behind the eyes, very noticeable especially on the female in the middle of bag of fish. I think they will be a fine addition to your pond. Mosquitofish usually sell for a much higher price than rosy reds when bought, so you got a deal!

As far as normal colored FHM being mixed in with rosy reds, yes they are the same fish just a genetic morph. As long as the percentage is low, say 1-3%, I wouldn't have an issue with it...