Well im feeling alot better about things after talking to the folks that live in the house. I started by asking him if I wasn't clear when I said I didn't want anyone fishing in the pond and he say no you were very clear. He ask what happened and I told him the whole story. He apoligized and told me that that guy is from a home appliance repair company and that He was supposed to be there around 4 to fix the dishwasher( I caught him at around one.) Guess he was planning on making a day out of fishing in my pond. The homeowner said that he got home at three and that he waited around till five and the guy never showed up. So he called the company the man worked for and they told him that he had went home sick for the day. Its now saturday and the homeowners dishwasher is still broke. I guess he decided that he may be in some trouble so didn't come back. The homeowner said that the repair man had ask about fishing in the pond a few weeks back and he made it very clear that it wasn't his pond and that I didn't like people fishing in it. The homeowner and his wife said that they understand that I spend a great deal of time and money on my pond and that they would never give anyone permission to go fishing in it. They thanked me for coming by and said that it made him angry that the guy had did that because they don't want any problems between us. He Said that come monday he would be having a talk with the company that the man works for. We stood there and talked for a hour or so and he assured me that this kind of thing wouldn't happen again.