ok, new challenge on new dam.......

the back slope which has a 5 to 1 slope had developed a 10 by 10 foot pit at the foot of the dam area and the area that has sluffed off is approximaately 3 foot deep and very soupy, water saturated.

not sure at this point if dam leaking/seeping or a spring has shown it face in this area. ??

presently this backslope area is @ 30 foot from the beginning of the crown on top which is @ 14 foot wide on top.

cannot trench with hand tools (shovel or hoe ) per too soupy and cannot displace enough to trench and allow water to begin to drain in order in to determine where water is coming from.

have small track hoe scheduled tomorrow morning to trench and allow the water to drain in this area, once drained, hoping we can better discover if dam leaking or a spring has caused this problem.

anyone had this problem/issue come up once a dam has been built and if so what was resolution ??

major or minor problem ..not sure at this point until we get area drained..........

pondbosses........any suggestions or insite on this issue ??

cell phone, 903 391-1772

Jimmy Terrell (JET)