Originally Posted By: eddie_walker
I think trespassers fall into the same category as litter bugs. I just wish I knew where they lived so that I could do the same thing to their homes that they feel is ok to do to others. Maybe go park on their lawn, or drive across it a few times. Cut some branches off of their tree and start a fire and then leave a pile of garbage on their front porch.


Another funny story:

I had a taxidermy student from Kentucky a few years ago. His dad was in charge of prisoners that picked up litter on the highway. One day he was driving on the local highway and watched someone throw a couple of bags of left over McDonald's stuff out their window. Problem was it's a very rural area in the mountains and everyone knows everyone. He knew who these people were. He pulled over and picked up the garbage and proceeded to head for their house and pulled into their driveway. Came up to the house and rang the doorbell. Then pointed to the McDonald's refuse in the yard he put there and told they left something on the highway back a spell. \:D \:D \:D

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.