i is a lyme disease survivor.

on a back east visit about 8 or 9 yrs ago, i was pruning a shrub for my FIL in westchester county NY (not too far from Lyme Connecticut). the next morning i felt the little bugger on the back of my right arm up by my armpit. i scratched him off in the shower, he was only the size of a pinhead.

well since both my wife's parents had lyme disease multiple times, they told me exactly what to do. we were going back to CA in a day or two, they said wait about a week, unless the rash showed up sooner.......and go get on a 2 week antibiotic treatment.

back in CA on a normal work schedule, after about a week, a near perfect bullseye rash shows up on the right side of my chest and i start to feel like crap (flu-like). i go into the local clinic and tell em i have lyme's disease. the doc says "yeah right, everybody gets on the internet and diagnoses themselves....whatever, o.k., what you got?" so i lift up my shirt, his jaw drops, he says "holy crap, i need to get my camera"....... my pic still probably adorns the front entry of his clinic.

i took the pills for 2 weeks, and i hope it got it all....i think i seem to maybe appear o.k. to this day......

GSF are people too!