I know it was said in jest earlier but can you imagine how cool a mythbusters show would be all about fishing tales and myths?
I remember seeing pictures of thousands of frogs that had been picked up in tornadoes so why not a few fish high in the water column? That's a very interesting theory I hadn't considered.
I think eggs getting stuck into the wet fur of a mammal (beaver/otter/muskrat rooting around) or the feathers of a bird is the most likely way for eggs to be safely transferred from one waterbody to another. If the carrier had backed into the object with which the eggs were adhered to the eggs would tuck into this wet layer and the eggs wouldn't need to be sticky to be held in place. I think that wind speed alone would dry out and/or tear any otherwise exposed eggs off the leg of a bird as it flew. only my $0.02 which is sadly worth even less (0.016 USD) to my friends down south

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