Thank you Eric for moving the post!

More pond ponderings and a question about structure. After the initial construction of this puddle, one of the first structure items to be added were artificial christmas trees to serve as bait fish attractors/refuge areas. It was an experiment. Having been submerged for almost one full year, the trees look like one big algae mass. (For those that remember the Addams family, the trees look like Cousin It). I'm not very optimistic they offer any benefit to the pond but this comes from surface observation only. I may attempt to pluck them out using a boom pole and grapple.

With the pond goal of big BG, I need to address the young BG and bass that have taken up residency. If I remove the christmas trees, the only structure left in the pond would be three 20' long 8-10" diameter trees, submerged horizontally in 3-4' of water and a very small brush pile. I'd like to hear opinions on what type of structure to add that would serve to (1) attract the baby BG/LMB, (2) offer the existing 10" LMB a point from which to launch an attack and (3) not turn into an ineffective algae mass.

The earliest post I found touching on PVC structures dates back to 2003 where Bob Lusk mentions them.;f=4;t=000013

I also recall Chip Rowland's post about sinking some PVC structures earlier this spring.;f=4;t=000161

Bob or Chip, if you read this, can you offer any experience on the track record of these structures as far as algae growth over time?