First of all, thanks for all the input! i"ll try to answer your questions and hopefully we can get started improving the quality of the fish. Okay, here goes. I've only owned the pond 2 years and am very inexperienced in pond management. There are few BG and HBG caught that go 7-8".The majority are 5" and down. I have removed very few fish as I "catch and release" virtually everything. I took out probably a dozen CC and probably the same number of LMB last year to eat. I thought that they would "grow up" and become large bass. We havnt removed any BG or HBG. We also have a smaller population of GSF that are fun to catch also. As far as an plankton bloom, I really dont know what to look for concerning this. When the water gets heated in July and August, there has been a large growth of FA each year. My buddies said to treat with granular copper sulfate and that took care of it. The water has stayed virtually clear all year except when the FA took off. We also have a very nasty Eurasian Watermilfoil infestation that I plan to treat with 100# of navigate per acre when the water warms and it starts growing. I believe that there are a lot of large (5# + here in Indiana is what I consider large LMB. Am I wrong here? As I said before, when I fish for LMB, I catch many in the 12" range, and maybe 1 or 2 per week 5# and up with the largest I've taken being an 8.5# fish. I really appreciate the huge amount of knowledge that so many of you possess. I'm an ol' farm boy and I'm willing to learn and I really want to improve the quality of the fish in the pond. Thanks a million in advance!

One thing I forgot to mention also, the pond is 15 years old and has seems to have pretty good circulation and movement of water. It hadnt been treated or taken care of in 3 years prior to my purchasing the property.

Last edited by Bassman70; 04/03/09 11:00 PM. Reason: omitted some info

A dozen worms $2.00
Buying your grandson a new pole $25.00
The look on your grandson's face
when he catches his first fish PRICELESS!