
Posting pictures is deceptively easy. Once you have them posted on photobucket, it's cake.

In Photobucket, click the picture you want to upload to Pond Boss.

Below and to the right of the picture, you will notice 3 lines:

HTML Thumb
IMG Code

"IMG Code" is the one you would normally use for posting inline pictures.

Just click inside the box just to the right of the Img Code label, and the word "Copied" should quickly appear and disappear.

That's it!

Now,,, all you have to do is paste the code into your Pond Boss post by pressing the CTRL = V key combo.

When you paste it, the short line of code will look like this:


Note that I placed a red "X" in front of "IMG" so you could see what the code looks like instead of seeing the actual picture.

Try it, I wanna see that siphon in action! \:\)

Last edited by bobad; 04/02/09 11:14 AM.