ok, I took pictures of 12" PVC siphon sysTem and failure but was unable to get them from photobucket into the forum, finally gave up and asked sharon at pondboss to put them in via a e-mail I sent her yesterday.

I do not see them posted yet but perhaps I missed them or she has not had time to post them yet..

New Question also for Forum............... my dam has rye grass planted on it and it is the kind that will not come back so, my question is this:
Can I distribute bermuda grass seed (common) over the existing rye grass that is growing and get good germination and growth ?
I looked in forum q&a but did not find this specific question or answer.
I intend to mow the rye grass short before spreading the seed with a yard type spreader, recommendation is 2 lb,s/1000 square feet and I plan to use double the rate. The Rye grass will begin to go away/burn once summer heat sits in and I do not want to leave dam without grass to prevent erosion.
I also intend to fertilize after spreading the seeds.
Waiting til early May to seed where temperatures are 70 degrees at night.

Jimmy Terrell (JET)