I have a 6 acre pond varying from 3' to a max of 16', crystal clear water and I replentish when needed from a dedicated well. My problem is that I catch lots of bass, lots of them, but they're either 8" to 12" or 5 pounds and up (not a lot of them fit into this category). Most of the smaller bass are rather skinny with mostly empty stomachs. We dont catch many 12" to 18" bass at all. So its basically big or small. Wazzup? On the other hand the CC population seems to be 4-5 pounds up to 10 pounds and all have stuffed bellies. The HBG and BG's dont get much size either, 7" to 8" is the tops with most in the 5" range and many smaller ones are caught. I dont feed or aereate. Are the CC eating all the foreage that the bass should be feeding on? Please help me solve this problem. I would like the pond to produce both large bass and large bluegill. I like to fish for cats, but if they're interrupting the food chain I guess I could remove them. We also have what seems to be a large population of snapping turtles (The biggest one I've seen is huge, probably 20" in length).

A dozen worms $2.00
Buying your grandson a new pole $25.00
The look on your grandson's face
when he catches his first fish PRICELESS!