Originally Posted By: rcj4
You guys really don’t think it will be enough with the current population of 25,000 bream getting ready to spawn, and the additional bream (30,000) & shad (2 loads) soon to spawn after putting them into the pond?

There's no doubt that the above fish would definitely help your bass. The bass will pig out and probably start to fatten up over late spring.

Here's the thing, though: Stocking smaller bream with your plan above, like others have said, is just a bandaid. With as many bass as you have, they'll be able to eat virtually everything you stock that is under 5", plus any offspring. Your bass will benefit for a few months, and then the pond will be back to square one when the new forage is gone. Your bass will spawn like crazy in the meantime, which won't help the situation. Unless you get on top of the bass numbers or stock large amounts of 5"+ forage that won't be eaten, you'll be getting a quick, expensive fix.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with stocking additional bream and shad. It certainly won't hurt anything. But I would focus more on harvesting bass.

"Only after sorrow's hand has bowed your head will life become truly real to you; then you will acquire the noble spirituality which intensifies the reality of life. I go to an all-powerful God. Beyond that I have no knowledge--no fear--only faith."