It all started a couple of weeks ago when we took our 2.5 yr old son to the Lunker's fishing show. The only thing that we ended up coming home with was a spongebob fishing pole that my son picked out. A couple days later I decided to give the pole to him with the casting plug on it and showed him how to use it. After about 5 minutes he was casting and reeling it in like he had been doing it for years. I was totally amazed at how fast he learned how to do it and how good he was. I honestly think that he was a true born fisherman!! My wife and I took him out to our hunting lease to the pond so he could go fishing for the first time. I had put a bobber and hook on but quickly realized that the casting plug needed to be put back on before someone got hurt. He doesn't like to let the bobber sit. He just likes to cast it out and reel it in. So I decided to put the bobber on my pole so I could catch a couple bluegills that he could real in with my pole. He had a blast and didn't want to go home.....he's HOOKED!!! Now I have a new fishing partner!! It makes me feel good that I can do something that my father use to take me to do. I lost my father when I was 7yrs old and this is something that I've been waiting to do with my son.