Had the first guy out to bid on this...may not need to have anybody else out...

He did all the right stuff...measured every window and door, square footage of house, took pics of existing HVAC equip, asked about fuel/elect usage, types/quantities of insulation, "any cold/hot spots?"...and was taking ALL THAT back to his (get this!) engineer to actually calculate what I'd need. They will work directly with local Elec coop to ensure I get an acceptable install to qualify for rebates and install separate meter to get lower rates.

We talked about arial pics (he says they usually have them, but they got left out of his "directions" pack) and I just emailed a link to 09/08 set so he can share them with his "dirt guys" to work out best package (which pond or use trenches).

Later, I was talking to the Elec coop guy and turns out they know these folks well...they recommend this installer to customers when they need troubleshooting done or just a third party opinion when there are performance issues. This guy was also expounding on the cost savings HE gets with his system.

Gaining confidence all the time...wife says this and the shop have to wait til after the daughter's wedding in May. Dang it...now I'm excited.

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...