Howdy Bruce,
could memory says the fish in your pic is too perch-like in appearance, but maybe there are variations from region to region, or i'm not remembering accurately (its been 3-4 years since I was back there). All my GSF questions lately made me think of them. my feeble memory says the coloration is about right (maybe a bit too yellow), spines look about right, but I remember eyes to be really huge and red...maybe they just haunt my dreams.

Of all the ones I cleaned, I remember fairly big scales for the sp., and boy did they taste good in the morning, fried in cornmeal w/ a slathering of henhouse fresh scrambled eggs, drop biscuits and gravy. they have good cheek of my favorite parts.

Is this rock bass AKA "redeye"? with a range in southeastern freshwater creeks, streams, and rivers? Seems he might add nice diversity to a pond.....they are aggressive, fun to catch, and great to eat.....

GSF are people too!