Here's what we have so far, please fill in what you know. Maybe someone should combine CC and Eric's writeup's and wiki them.

Fish ~Spawning Temp ~Fecundity

BG 68 - 80 5,000 - 100,000
CC 69 - 86
FHM 61 - 64 6,800 - 10,200
GS 60 - 68 22,400 - 543,900
GSH 60 - 85 200,000
LMB 60 - 75 17,500 - 21,700
RES 68 - 72 5,000 - 100, 000
SMB 60 - 72 2,600 - 27,700
Tilapia 80 300 - 1500
TFS 66 - 80

EDIT: The forum software mangled my attempt to make a chart, so now I know why nobody has done it yet. \:\)