Hello Stubby, welcome to the best fishin' hole forum in the world.
I am a fly fisherman ... period.
I've been fishin' pellet flies for years and driving the "purists" crazy - but - so be it ...
Match the hatch.

I have caught tons of feed trained fish on pellet flies, whether foam or genuine AQMX, and they work.....!
Last week was my first real test due to weather conditions, I caught CNBG and RT on AQMX and "Stubby" flies, and they both worked equally as well.
The "Stubby" gets the nod elimninating time spent on tyin' the pellets in Cecils's panty hose...

For the folks not accustomed to tying their own flies this will be a big help, whether om a fly rod or spin rod woth pellet under a bobber.

Thanks for a great new product and keep parsticipating on the forum - no matter what some of teh guys say about fihin' with pellet flies ...

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)