In the building of bridge column piers we often have rebar cages that are spiral pieces with vertical members tied inside them. Imagine a slinky with straight pieces tied inside. You could do something like this to give you more lateral support. I would think #2 (1/4) rebard would be pretty easy to bend around a piece of 6" pipe and fit nicely inside 8" pipe with #3 or #4 bar inside that. That would help increase your lateral strength. You could also use steel pipe with no rebar. Have you thought about installing your piers in at an angle leaning slightly towards the bank and towards the center of the dock and adjust your mounting brackets to level up your dock after? I have considered building something very similar, let us know what you do in the end. I am probably another year from building a dock financially, I am finishing the restoration of my house first. Heck I am lucky to have a pond at this point.

Last edited by JoeG; 03/04/09 07:27 AM.