I'll see if I can break it down for you...

FHM are mature at about 1 year of age. FHM will start spawning when the temps warm to the low 60's and will continue to spawn until the temps reach the upper 80's. Many times in the fall they will spawn again as the temps drop back into the 80's. They lay there rather large yellowish orange eggs on the underside of hard objects. Males provide protection to the eggs guarding about an 18" area around the nest. Fecundity is 6,800-10,200 eggs per female.

GSH are mature at between 1 and 2 years of age. GSH will start spawning when water temps warm to about 60 degrees and will continue to spawn until water temps reach about 85. This is usually from about April until October here in VA but will vary in other parts of the country. GSH are scatter spawners and do not construct nests. They simple lay their eggs most often on vegetation but also gravel and some have reports even in other fish's nests. Fecundity is approximately 200,000 eggs per female but varies with size.

LMB mature between 2 and 4 years of age. LMB spawn in waters that are 60 to 75 degrees. This usually works out to April to May here in VA but will vary throughout the country. LMB prefer to spawn over fine gravel, but are able to spawn on nearly any substrate from hard clay to sand. Male LMB construct nests that they defended and then attempt to attract ripe females to spawn with them. There are often eggs from several females found in a single LMB nest. Fecundity is 17,500-21,700 eggs per female, again depending on the size of the female. Once the eggs hatch, the fry are guarded by the male until they are free swimming and about an inch in length at which point they break from the school and strike out on their own.

SMB mature between 2 and 4 years of age. They spawn in temps between 60 and 72 degrees. They prefer to spawn over course gravel with larger rocks and logs often used to protect the "rear" of the nest. Much like the LMB, the male SMB constructs a nests and attracts ripe females to spawn with him. The male SMB then defends the nest and fry when born. Fecundity is 2,600-27,700 eggs per female, again depending on size.

BG mature between 1 and 2 years of age. They start spawning at about 68 degrees and as long as temperatures do not climb much past 80 degrees will continue to spawn into the summer. BG are communal spawners with many males constructing nests in close proximate to each other. Males construct the nests in gravel, sand or clay and then attract ripe females to their nests. An interesting behavior are what is know as satellite males. These small males will take on a female coloration and when the dominate male is not paying attention will sneak onto the next and drop milt of his own and will sometime even fool the dominate male into thinking he is a female and be allowed onto the nest that way. Fecundity is approximately 5,000 to over 100,000 eggs per female depending again on size.

RES spawn much the same way BG do, except they rarely spawn more than once a year which is when water temps reach 68 to 72 degrees.

BCP mature as 2 to 3 years of age. They spawn in the spring at temps between 59 and 68 degrees. The males like others in the sunfish family builds a nest. Usually in areas of sand, but also gravel and clay. Like BG they are communal spawners. BCP often nest near vegetation. Fecundity is 11,000-188,000 eggs per female, dependent on size.

CC mature at 2-4 years. They spawn in water temps between 69 and 86 degrees. Males select protected cavities where the attract females to lay their eggs. The eggs are very large and a yellowish in color. Males and sometimes females protect the spawning cavity. When the eggs hatch the male protects the fry. Once the fry absorb the yolk are are capable of swimming, the male "herds" them around in a tight school protecting them until they are often 2 or more inches in size.

Threadfin shad reach maturity at 1 year. They begin spawning in water temps of about 66 degrees and will continue to spawn until temps reach about 80 degrees. Large groups of shad will group together where males will chase one or two females into shallows as the females releases there eggs the males release their milt. The eggs then sink, attaching to vegetation, gravel and other hard surfaces. Fecundity of females can range for

Gizzard shad reach maturity at 1 to 3 years with 2 being most common. They start spawning at about 60 degrees with peak spawning occurring at about 66 degrees. Spawning usually occurs in the evening and night when large groups of fish dominated by males splash about the surface releasing eggs and milt. The fertilized eggs then settle to the bottom where they attach to vegetation, gravel and other objects. Fecundity is 22,400-543,900 eggs per female depending on size.

Tilapia often mature at less than 1 year. They begin spawning at temps above about 80 degrees. They are mouth brooders in which the male creates a nest. The females lays her eggs, the male fertilizes them and them collects them in his mouth. Fecundity is about 300-1500 but survival is very high compared to other spawning methods do to the high amount of parental care. The eggs hatch and the male will continue to hold the fry in his mouth. Tilapia also have multiple spawning session per year but maybe limited to this in northern climates where water temps drop back below their preferred temps.