I am reading and learning a lot but seem to have even more questions now:

Where do you go to find out why the different ratings in the NRCS Soil Survey Website limit ponds. For example: Why does "Depth to Saturated Zone" makes a specific soil bad for burms and dams?

Also, What factors do you really need to look at on this website when selecting a site: I am paying close attention to:

% Clay (>20%)
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (<10??)
Pond Reservior Areas (Unfortunately most state "somewhat limited" due to "Seepage" = 0.72?)
Embankments, Dikes, & Levees (Unfortunately most soils are "somewhat limited" due to "Piping" = 0.7 - 0.98 or "Very Limited" due to "Depth to Saturization Zone" = 1.0)

I know everyone says there is no substitute for test holes but It would be nice to have a fairly good idea if a property that I am targeting is a good choice or not.

One site I am considering is part of an old (hasn't been used in 30 years) sand and gravel quarry. I would normally assume sand and gravel is bad but there is some standing water in the lowest area. Any thoughts?