I am betting your LMB are doing just fine... You probably have at least 50 left and they are now 6"-8" in length but they may even be approaching 10" if their growth rate is really good. Keep an eye out for bass reproduction this spring. If you see if, hold off on LMB stocking. If you don't see bass spawning, I would recommend you stock another 50-70 LMB this spring in the 6"-8" size. This will establish two solid years classes. Next year the first batch of LMB you stocked last year will definately spawn and you will be set from there on out. If you do not stock a large size LMB fingerling but choose to stock 2" LMB again, I would stocked at least 100 and more like 200 as many of these will end up being LMB and CC food... The fact that the FHM have completely disappeared leads me to believe that the LMB have preyed heavily upon them. In my experience, CC and BG cannot wipe out FHM but LMB easily will... Be patient and you will see your LMB, they are there! They're just happy with full bellies.