As far as where to hook the BG/shiner, it depends on what style you are presenting the bait. Under a float, I like to hook it directly behind the dorsal fin most of the time and occasionally through the meat just in front of the tail. If I fish the bait on a jig of free lining it, I like to hook it through the lips. If I am fishing it off the bottom I usually hook it through the meat in front of the tail most of the time and sometime through the lips.

As far as line test, hook size, etc... Much of that depends on the location you are fishing and the expected size fish you are hoping to catch. If I am fishing areas with a lot of structure or weeds and there is a high risk of the fishing getting into that and breaking off I increase line test. I am a a big of braided super line with a 4-6 foot leader of florocarbon. Hook size is really dependent on bait size... But if you're using big GSH or BG for bait, 2/0 or even 4/0 is reasonable.

My preferred method for FL LMB fishing down south when using live bait is the balloon rig method. Using large GSH, you can work pockets in the weed cover of your pond or lake. Depend on water depth, I like the GSH about half way off the bottom. So tie the blown up balloon with a slip knot. just below that, I tie the braided line to a swivel. To the other end of the swivel I tie to leader of florocarbon. I then tie on a 2/0 to 4/0 circle hook. I then hook the GSH just behind the dorsal fin. Pretty simple set up... Toss the large GSH into the pocket and hang on!