Thanks for all the responses to my post. We did have a heavy freeze shorty before the BG started dieing but some years back my pond froze over for about 4 days with no trouble other than for my Duck, Hank,was stuck out on a stump sticking out of the water for about 3 days.
I keep my feed in a airtight plastic container so I know it's not my feed. I hand feed the fish every day, had a feeder some years ago but the feed would get wet in it so I took it down. The BG are some I caught out of the Flint River when I first stocked my pond.
I plan to catch some BG out of my Dads pond and put some fresh DNA ,so to speak, in my pond. I've been told that I need to harvest more fish each year. Frankly I was surprised I still had that many large BG in my pond what with the otters that [used to] pay me visits along with the Blue Herons.
With the warm weather lately the BG are starting to eat again and I bought some sinking feed but the fish just spit it out.
The other day while in the boat looking for dead fish I found a stump about 1 foot from the bank that had a fire ant nest on it. I chopped it down. I coudn't see the stump from the bank because of the bushes. Again thanks for all the responses!