Thanks Ted. I'll check out the aquatic 2 4 d's.

Since I didn't use a pre-emergent last year there are all sorts of weeds everywhere now, making spot spraying time consuming. I'm spraying with a Solo back pack sprayer. We have another volunteer on the other dam, but she is using a two gallon pump sprayer. That is why I was hoping for some relief by using a weed and feed.

It's all good though. Everything will still look much better than the same time last year when nothing was done but mowing. We are getting an early start on weeding. Plus, I don't think anyone expects the area to be weed free. The summer heat will kill most of the weeds anyway starting in May. Last year it was like someone hit a switch and all of the sudden the weeds died out and the grass appeared.

I started caring for the area starting last March when I grew tired of the neglect. The new home owners association is looking for a service to do the fertilizing and weeding. I may keep doing it if I can get good enough at it. The volunteer work has been rewarding and I am learning a lot. It is good to see the area slowly being restored to its original appearance.