Yet another VERY interested reader. I'm in SE Iowa, building a large shop/garage this spring.

I'm trying to decide among several options...

1. Install GEO (using pond or otherwise) for the house only and tie it in the note for the shed. Heat shed with in-slab radiant using propane water heater.

2. Install GEO for house and this even possible using one unit?

3. Forego GEO altogether...not likely, as I spent $2000 on propane this past fall, and while it's down a bit now, LP will probably climb back eventually.

Pond is about 150' from the house, so it's definitely doable. Just not sure how much experience local installers have with that type system...gotta talk to 'em about it, I guess.

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...