great advice not much else to add. cjbs I would say you are an expert after reading that. Davasta thanks for link. The Wr chart I feel applies anywhere you just need to see what you want. If you want 75% Wr on lmb (for growing bigger BG) you can use the chart, if you want 125% like quality bass clients works as well. It is an index so fine to look at once but best if used over time to track if you are on way to acheving goals or not.

Love to fish you will see a chart on bluegill as well. I will echo the thoughts of others. First thing you need to do is clearly define your pond goals, what species do you want to maximize, or do you want good of each, etc. Post these and folks can better define a harvest plan, feeding plan, etc. Glad to have you on here and great first list of questions.

Greg Grimes