I will volunteer to compile the survey and give the presentation if people think it's a good idea:

How about providing a survey in the May/June issue that readers fill out about their fish feeding practices? A recent thread about how many times to feed really piqued my interest. Let's find out how many people are feeding, how many feeders per acre, how much feed thrown per feeding, how many times per day, why the type of feed is chosen, what brand/type of feed/feeder, species targetted, feed costs/lb levels of satisfaction, etc. I could compile the results and look at averages, ranges, etc and an open forum discussion could follow. We could find out what people are doing and hopefully learn what we could be doing better. It would take some time to properly draft the survey so that the right questions are asked and so that the data could be easily compiled and analyzed.

I think that it would be a great learning experience for all. Let's face it, some of the greatest, most meaningful, and unanalyzed data lies within each and every one of us.

We might even be able to persuade feed mfg's and/or feeder mfg's to purchase the results as a potential marketing tool with all proceeds going to the Jesse West Endowment Fund.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein