Originally Posted By: Jeff Walker
Trust me Ryan, you aren't going to miss much. Then again what do I know. According to Rainman's post I may have mental issues from drinking out of the garden hose, not to mention the creek. Playing catch with Yard darts was probably not the smartest thing we did. Neither were the BB gun wars. In hindsigt eating the veggies straight from the garden with only a wipe on our t-shirts probably wasn't a good idea. Same goes with sledding on car hoods pulled behind a 3 wheeler (we did wear helmets). Lord knows playing hide-seek in the junk yard probably gave us tetnaus. Ambushing each other with dried pasture pansies probably infected us (but it was funny as hell).

Maybe I should go visit my doctor and get checked for parasites.

LOL I tend to think people that DON'T do those things are a little touched in the head!!!

The car hood sleds were GREAT and even though we tried real hard, we couldn't get the Jarts to stick in anyone (too heavy I think) Also never put out an eye w/BB guns but there were some big red welts on some butts! And I STILL prefer the rubber/plastic taste of garden hose water. How do you know if creek water is safe to play in if you don't do the required taste-test?

There was the time me and my cohorts got a heck of a spanking for using all our parents tournement darts for tag---not because we had several bleeding holes in us----for using the GOOD darts!

Finally, Tetnus builds character!!!!!!!

Last edited by Rainman; 01/15/09 02:13 PM.