We do something similiar to Chuck. A lot of your commercial deer repellents have capascin (the stuff that makes peppers hot) and putrid egg whites. Last year I mixed in a one gallon glass jar, 3 egg whites and half a bottle of Cayenne pepper to a gallon of water. Punch a hole in the lid and sit it in the sun for a few days. Strain it (use cheesecloth or coffee filters). Don't do like I did and do this inside with a pair of your wife's pantyhose or you'll never hear the end of it. Trust me. Apply it with a hand can and a coarse spray. You can apply it right to your crops, just make sure you wash them well before eating. We soak ours a few min in a sink full of cold water and 1 tablespoon of bleach. Doesn't stink as bad as you think but their noses are more sensitive. I applied it about once a week. My boys taking a leak around the fruit trees worked pretty good too. Don't think the wife would let me have them piss in my deer repellent.

Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. Mark Twain