FWIW, I am trying to always use:

GSF for Green Sunfish
GShiner for Shiners

If I ever talked about them I would use GShad for Shad.

{This leaves the problem Eric noted with the GS in "GSxBG". I will worry about it more when someone successfully crosses Shiners and Sunfish. \:D }

We have three "GS" species, so we will have to use at least three letter acronyms for at least two of them. If we borrow from Hanning codes in Communications Theory (Back in Grad School I always knew I'd be using those classes to talk about fish nicknames on the Internet some day!), "GS" should be used for the species which is most often discussed. Eric is a capable, trusted source to tell us which fish that is.

Perhaps it would be a good idea if there was a list of acronyms in the FAQ. Then we'd have a definite reference source to point to. Like it or not, it would be "PB Approved."

Or we could go on being confused - at HAS produced some entertaining mixups. ;\)

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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