Update and observations:
End of April Cutrine treatment lasted about 6 weeks before FA returned. Treated again mid June, added aeration and added tilapia a week later. I returned from a week long fishing trip on July 30. No feeding took place while I was away. The water was muddy and slightly green. Green is normal, muddy isn't. I began feeding again once daily last week and the water is returning to normal color an visibility depth of about 18". No chemical treatments since June 16 and so far there is very little algae visible except in water less than 3" deep. I only see a couple of tilapia at feeding time. I believe these are the 2 larger males. It has been a very dry summer and the pond is the lowest it has ever been, 3' below full. I am unsure what the muddy water was caused by but I suspect it was due to foraging fish due to the lack of being fed. I have not seen evidence of a successful tilapia spawn but cannot rule out the possibility as they are an elusive fish.

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Stephen W. Hawking