Originally posted by Ryan Freeze:
From my experience the aquaculture guys at the university have the fish (tilapia seem to be the lab mouse or wingless fly of the fish world) and the natural resources/fisheries people at the university have direct interest in what you're trying to accomplish for obvious reasons. Pair the two and they should help convince the DNR.
I'm very encouraged after meeting with two DNR representatives today. They were extremely helpful. As I look further into this, I find more and more personal connections, and more and more needs. Cecil's views on this may be really prophetic. I will be meeting with more university people next weekend at an aquaculture open house near where I live.

We are into kind of a drought condition right now. I hope I can find some time before it starts getting wet again to start digging at least one grow-out/holding pond that I may be able to use next spring.

Again, thanks to all for the great ideas and support.

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