¼ acre HSB/BG ”grow-out”/ forage pond report.

I continue to catch 2-pound fat and healthy HSB from an unaerated ¼ acre pond that have survived two record setting, drought ridden, low water condition summers.

I caught two this morning that were 2005 class fish, having believed most of them had been “grown-out” and moved to main pond – or succumbed to “hot Texas summers”.
Three or four more of this class fish were observed

I release this larger class of fish to control current prolific BG spawn until the 2006 stockers are large enough to control the BG.

I am pleased to report 2006 class of “grow out “ fish are now feed frenzy trained.
I caught and transferred a couple of the 10 inchers to main pond his morning.

Over the years I have had more than my share of Texas white bass and striped bass fishing and know full well that they are tough, hard fighting fish, and find that their prodigy retain the same characteristics.

Originally posted by george:
Originally posted by Meadowlark:

... south of that line, if you don't use Tilapia, then you are missing out on the greatest pond management tool available.
Kudos to ML for spreading the gospel of tilapia.

Todd Overton stocked ours at the rate of 10#+/acre exactly 4 weeks ago today.
First couple of weeks not much apparent change in the worse case of FA we have ever had.

Last week a noticeable change had occurred.
Today, not a shred of evidence FA had ever existed in the pond.


Thanks ML and Todd. \:\)