Dave must be doing something right to snag a woman like that. Props to you Dave!! We haven't put our report together for this pond yet, but for the most part we are pleased.

I'm not pleased with the internal anchor tags I used on some of the feedtrained bass, because it was obvious that they pulled out, despite being recommended specifically for bass. I'm not a fan of tagging fish, but I am a fan of the pelvic fin clipping.

This pond has a significant population of fairly large size baitfish like adult bluegill, gizzard shad, and tilapia. Few intermediate and young-of-year bluegill were observed. Few shiners and threadfin shad were observed. The main factor influencing the dwindling population of small baitfish for the time being is the low water level....7 ft low, so all fish are concentrated. Some dense structure can be placed along the shoreline now to provide sanctuary for bluegill when the pond fills again. The current largemouth bass population is being sustained mainly by gizzard shad (stocked by the creek). We've added this evidence to the pile of existing evidence that gizzard may indeed have their place in the food chain for largemouth bass and other large predators.

I am pleased with the look of most of the fish, and will be recommending the stocking of additional adult florida influenced wild bass with pelvic fins clipped, to take advantage of the big bait fish. We'll also recommend the harvest of some HSBs, and the feeding of high protein feed in both feeders in the future.

We plan to install windmill aeration in the spring.

We'll be working on the compilation of data to provide Al and Dave RWs on their bass, so that they can post that data for the forum if they like.

By the way, I was the one that missed that hog from 60 yards. Shot the gun from that distance yesterday and was a full 8" high, so after adjustments I'm zeroed in again.

Al and his son Dave are outstanding gentlemen, which is why I always look forward to that trip south. We appreciate their letting us scare their hogs away from the deer corn.

It's ALL about the fish!