Our NRCS agent came out and looked at the remains of our dam, and one that our neighbor built earlier this year that is obviously not going to hold (it's only about 3-feet wide, made entirely of sand and is already eroding on the back side). He didn't really give any useful advice. Pretty much shrugged his shoulders said "Yep. That's a mess alright. Gonna need to get you a dozer. Good luck." and then left.

We had NRCS do some erosion control work for us shortly after we bought the land and the local agent called in people from the state office to look at the land and give us advice rather than do it himself. I get the impression he pretty much just mans the office and helps people shuffle paperwork back and forth between the state office. He doesn't do much filed work himself except to verify that a problem does indeed exist before calling in the advisers.