Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Can you ask them for permission? Personally I would think that if you credit the site of origination that they would embrace the free advertising.

I'll ask.

Why don't you guys register? It's painless.


The guy who made the intentional crosses and pics goes by the name of Centrarchid. He not only grows out bluegills in indoor tanks to 1.5 lbs. for foodfish, but apparently is some kind of educator in Missouri. He referred to a "student" which is why I assume he is.

Anyway I was bragging up your bluegills after he asked what kind of growth rate you got. Listen to what kind of growth rate he gets growing them out indoors:

We can raise really nice fish (in terms of weight) fast where exceptional males can reach 1.5 pounds in 18 months...

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.