
New to the forum and thankful for the great information. My wife and I are designing our retirement home (after 20 years in the Army) in Carroll County TN. We selected a beautiful home site overlooking a nice valley. We want to build a 2 acre recreational pond in the valley and are struggling thru this process. So far I have: 1. Arranged to remove (sell) all the timber to help pay for the project 2. Got a permit for building an embankment along the water drainage conveyance (NOT A STREAM) 3. Consulted NRCS / Soil Conservation folks for help with design. Now for the challenge: a soil scientists took core samples and is worried the soil is too sandy (Collins silt loam) and may leak. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH. My neighbor has a 1 acre pond 400 yards up the valley, but he may have more clay on the higher ground.

I researched Sodium Benonite online and found a bulk purchase deal for $3600 per 45,000 lbs shipped to my farm, which would give me 1 lb per sq ft and an additional $9k pond expense, which I can't afford on an Army retirement.

I would greatly appreciate any advice that could help us move forward with our project. Sorry, I tried adding images, but failed at this attempt with photbucket.


Thank you for assisting,


Last edited by SoldierJim; 12/11/08 12:05 PM.