I dropped off some feed today and man are these things growing!! Most are around 4" and a couple are close to 6". I tried to net out a couple to get some measurements but they were too fast. The filter was reworked by the science teacher a couple of weeks ago. It looks like a hang-on-the-back filter for an aquarium made out of a 2'x3' cheap plastic tub. It works by a waterfall pump lifting water to the top and a PVC drain at the bottom that lets the water fall about a foot back into the tank. It frees up more space in the tank, adds more aeration (still using air pump too)and looks better. The only disadvantage I see is that is uses more power. I forgot the camera today but will take some photos next time.

ML: Why do you prefer the Moz.Tilapia over the Nile?

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Stephen W. Hawking