Omaha, I would consider 500 BG, but what size (1-3 or 3-5"), and if you're going to stock channel cat AND bass in the same year, I would put 10-12 lbs of FHM with the BG in May to give you a good forage base. You'll need it for the CC and LMB if you stock them the same year. They will gobble up your BG spawn in no time. I would consider stocking the BG & FHM in May, and save the LMB till next spring/early summer, and then the CC in the fall. You should get 2-3 FHM spawns by then.

Thing I haven't read (or just missed it) is what do you want your pond to be? A great BG pond, a LMB pond, what? IMO you need to decide on one or the other as your predominate strategy, and stock accordingly.

I have a 1A pond in Mo., and stocked it with 250 3-5" BG, 100 1-3" RES, and 15 lbs of FHM this fall. I'll stock about 20 5-7" LMB NEXT late summer/fall. Additionally, we caught and put in about 30 adult 7-9" BG/RES this past summer hoping it would jump start the breeding. Three weeks later we had fry swimming around some straw bales and root wads. The jump start on breeding must have worked or the adult BG still had eggs. My pond is geared to be a BG pond, with LMB as a bonus occasionally. No CC planned to date. That may change later. Just my .02. Good luck with your project. It will become your passion. Trust me!!!!