I go back to Big Pond's initial question , assuming that crappie WILL be stocked into a 5 acre pond which one or combination do you use ; white , black, both, hybrid crosses , and or if you can find some dip./trip. (with the questions/uncertainty).

The point of posting the studies was not to say do X but to let BP know of the options and to again repeat " If you reallllly, realllllly want to dig into the subject there is enough to keep you reading for about aaahhh say about a mth. !!! But be ready to be quite at the enigma that crappie represent and the conundrum that they leave you with. \:\) LOL"

The studies are only 4 of about 100+ and point out : 1. reproductivity - cyclical and uncertain 2. hybrid crosses exist and may/probably have lower fecundity with no obvious growth and hybrid vigor/loss problems 3. Dip./Trips exist, may be hard to find and out of a batch of them some may/probably will reproduce but at low fecundity (as compared to others).

So with all the info , studies and past discussion of options on stocking and management what does BP do remembering that he is not a fisheries scientist who will be devoting a ton of time to managing the pond (not an aquaculture operation)?