I've been off the circuit here, weird i got back on today and saw this forum. Cecil, hope you pick a good dog. My dog is very ill (we found out he has cancer two months ago and nothing we can do). He's on meds and we just increased/upped the strength to keep him out of pain to be with us longer. It's so sad watching my dog die (I am attached to him like a child, I never thought I would, but I did--I blame my husband as growing up I never really had a pet and a smart loving one). He's been the best dog, pet, companion-- always glad to see me every day, always appreciative of what he has, always loving and protective. Unconditional love. We have had 10 years+ of togetherness-playing, learning, having a good ole time. I too will have to go down the road you did...I hate it. We don't even enjoy the pond these past couple of months as we don't want him in it because he is sick and might hurt himself jumping into it. The cancer also has a large knot on his leg and the bone might break before he is ready...just breaks my heart. I understand y'all how it is...sincere condolences to all of you who have lost a loved pet.