Originally Posted By: Blaine

My heart goes out to you on the loss of your dog. Just last night, we had to say farewell to our Golden Retreiver after 13 years together. It was hard to watch my children laying on the floor with him at the vet during their tearful goodbyes.

Goodbye Cycle good friend and companion.

Following is the letter that my 11 year old son wrote in his remembrance:

"In honor of Cycle. The best dog a guy could have and my best friend forever. The dog who I knew before I was born. The dog who died knowing he had a family who loved him more than life itself. My last words to him were I love you. So again I say in honor of Cycle the best dog in the world and my best friend forever. Dear God, please take the best care of Cycle, always remind him that we love him."

Cycle 1996 - 2008 rest in peace good ol' boy


I'm so sorry for your loss! This time I can honestly say I have a darn good idea what you're going through! Wow he was a beauty! Your post brought tears to my eyes reading that!

Let's hope Cycle and Sandy may meet each other where all of God's creatures go!

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.