It's definitely maple. I was told that it is sugar maple.
When we first purchased the property, I brought in a tree expert from the local lumber company to walk the forest, particularly the proposed pond zone, and tell me if there's any logging value. He was a real nice guy; graduated from Ohio State majoring in forestry. We spent 3 hours hiking thru the woods while he tried to teach me forestry -101. During our tour, he noted that we didn't have alot of maples. Then we hit papa maple. He stopped on the trail and looked out into the forest and started talking about natural succession. He pointed out the collection of smaller maples all surrounding this one big specimen. This maple grove is about 1/2 acre or so. He surmises that 30 or so years ago, this entire area was clear cut for pasture and they left papa maple as shade for the cows. He smiles and notes that these are all it's offspring.