Thanks Brettski. She passed away about 5 minutes after I made the above post. I laid next to her on the floor and stroked her head and talked to her. I'm actually relieved she isn't suffering anymore. She was really suffering bad.

I'll miss you ol' girl. You were my best buddy in the shop, fishing, around the ponds -- she had to be there no matter what I was doing.

If there is a heaven and God's creatures go there too, I'll be happy to see you again!

My parents who were very attached to her will be devistated. My dad who was a Green Beret believe it or not is real softee when it comes to dogs. He stopped hunting several years ago and refuses to kill anything anymore.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 10/29/08 05:37 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.